Part II of Math Matters! is today at 6:00 p.m. Join us for FREE resources, refreshments, and tips on how to help your child be successful in math!
Teamwork makes the dream work! #tww #tobiepride 💛💙
Part I of Math Matters! is today at 6:00 p.m.
Join us for FREE resources, refreshments, and tips on how to help your child be successful in math!
SMS Cheerleaders had an amazing first day of home cheer camp! Thanks to Coach Suggs and Coach Montgomery for leading this program! #tobiepride #tww
The Senatobia Middle School Team is excited to be at the 31st Model Schools Conference. #bigresults #smallchanges #tww #elite
Our athletes are working hard this summer to prepare for their upcoming seasons! #tobiepride #thewarriorway 📣 🏈 🏀
Throwback Thursday! We miss our campers! Hope everyone has had a great week! #thewarriorway #campfest #tobiepride
Memory Monday! Last week, students learned all kinds of first aid skills from Nurse Crockett: stabilizing fractures, dressing wounds and eye injuries, and learning to use universal precautions with shaving cream and gloves. The students loved it! #thewarriorway #tobiepride
Congratulations to the 23/24 Tennis Team!
Camp Fest Day #1! From singing "Staying Alive" while doing chest compressions to extracting DNA from strawberries, it's been a fun time. See y'all tomorrow! #thewarriorway #TobiePride #SMS
Last Chance!
We are HIRING!
Honoring and Remembering Memorial Day.
Have you registered for Camp Fest?
Sign up for SMS & SHS Summer Camp Fest before it's too late!
Congratulations to our new SMS Basketball Team!
Congratulations Girls! Looking forward to an exciting season!
Happy Summer! #staysafe #tww
Last day of Quest for 6th grade! Quest wrapped up their decades unit with a party. We dressed in our favorite decade, ate “old school” snacks, played 80s song bingo, viewed our decade books, and created time capsules.
Our end of year student/faculty basketball game is always a good time! Students made a donation to the Senatobia - Tate County Animal Shelter as they entered the gym. We will continue to take donations throughout this week. #serveothers #RISE #thewarriorway #tobiepride
We had so much fun celebrating our students at Awards Day! Thank you to Ms. Swindle for planning the event! #thewarriorway #tobiepride #RISE