Maddox is sporting his Dad's Senatobia jersey! So special! #onceawarrioralwaysawarrior

Shout out to the 6th grade staff! They are working so hard with our students. Tomorrow is #THANKFULThursday, and I'm so thankful for them! Ms. Freed 💙💛

Students kicked of Wednesday with Jersey Day! #6thgradelife #iReadykickoff

6th Grade Students: This Wednesday is Jersey Day and the iReady Math Diagnostic! #elite

Parents! Please come to the PTC's planning meeting. We need you. See attached flyer.

Congratulations to our sixth grade band members! They found out what instrument they would play! We are so proud! #elite #tww

6th Grade! Let's get ready for the iReady Diagnostic. Do your best!!!

Students enjoyed a mini yoga session during Mrs. Palmer's lesson on Mindfulness! #mindfulnessmatters #thewarriorway

Students enjoyed a mini yoga session during Mrs. Palmer's lesson on Mindfulness! #mindfulnessmatters #thewarriorway

Senatobia Middle School teachers and staff are all smiles after the first week of school! Thank you for all that you do for our students! #MP2324 #TWW #tobiepride

SMS Chromebooks!

Warrior Hall is in full swing! ELA students worked on analyzing sensory language, identifying figurative language, and deciphering vocabulary in order to understand complex text. #weareback #thewarriorway

Happy High Five Friday! Ms. Freed rewarded 6th grade teachers with their favorite soda! Thank you teachers!

We can't wait for Friday Night Lights! Below are the spirit days for this football season! #tobiepride

We made it to Friday! Thank you to Mrs. Swindle and Mrs. Winstead for making the building so fabulous for our 6th grade Warriors! #thewarriorway

6th grade teachers decorated their doors to welcome students back to school! #elite #thewarriorway

SMS administrators had a great time at the community pep rally! We are so proud of our football team and cheerleaders! #tobiepride

See you at the Community Pep Rally! #tobiepride

Mrs. Walters, 6th grade ELA teacher, reviews literacy strategies with students. #elite #thewarriorway

Thank you to the SMS PTC for our fabulous shirts for the 23-24 school year!!! #bepartoftheptc #thewarriorway